Great Tips For an Easier Move To Ann Arbor
Start Smart By Planning Your Move!
Planning your Washtenaw County move is a must to ensuring your real estate segue transitions smoothly. That means writing everything down! You'll appreciate it later. Don’t pack a single box before you create a simple record keeping system. For some this might seem a bit excessive but it is recommended you create a computer-printed list of numbers with a space to write the contents. Others have modified this approach by creating the list on a spiral-bound notebook for the job. You'll place a number on EVERY box you pack and list the contents on your list. Because life can be chaotic during a move, be sure to designate a place in your home called “Packing Central”. This is where you'll place and store your moving materials like labels, marking pens, boxes, box tape, and other supplies.

Be Sure You have Plenty of Moving Supplies
Don't make me say this twice-- you'll need LOTS of boxes--probably more boxes than you think, and having enough boxes will make your life easier! (If you buy your boxes from a moving company, you can always return unused boxes for a refund. If you got them free from the grocery, just toss any leftovers.) Have about 10 boxes set aside to use for last minute items on moving day, such as bedding, clothing, and cleaning supplies. You'll need strong plastic packing tape to close up the boxes securely. Use unprinted newsprint (newspaper can stain your items) or packing paper or bubble wrap to wrap and cushion household goods. Again, you'll need more supplies than you think, so get extra so the packing can go smoothly. Return any unused supplies after the truck is packed.

Have Plenty of Boxes – Wardrobe Boxes
Use these tall boxes for bulky, lightweight items such as bed linens including comforters, pillows, and blankets. Of course they are perfect for hanging up clothes as well. Avoid making these too heavy.

A Color-coordinated Move
Designate a color for each room in your new Ann Arbor home. As an example, select yellow for the kitchen, orange for your dining room, etc. Then apply color-coded stickers on each box near the box number. In your new home, place a matching sticker on the door to each room. This way the movers will know where to put everything once they arrive at the new home.

Pack Ahead
Anything you can pack well ahead of time will save you time in the later stages of your move. For most, the closer to moving day, the more hectic life becomes. If you’re moving in the summer, get your winter clothes out of the way. Pack up any extra appliances. Box up dry goods and staples such as shampoo and extra toothpaste and live out of a travel cosmetic case for the last few days before you move. Do the same for cooking utensils and food supplies paring down to your bare essentials.

What to do with Cleaning Supplies when Moving?
If you must clean your old place after you have vacated the premises, we recommend you create a basic cleaning supply kit with typical cleaning supplies and rags. Attempt to clean as much as possible ahead of time. Areas to consider include the inside of your oven, kitchen cupboards, windows, etc.), and if possible, vacuum each room as movers empty it.

Make Use of Your Luggage
Put your luggage to good use by filling each piece of luggage and all duffle bags with clothing, sheets, towels, and paper goods.

Safeguard Valuable Items and Family Heirlooms
It's a good idea to keep valuable possessions, such as silverware, heirlooms, or antiques, with you. If you have a cross-country move and no room in your car, you might consider packing these items in a box titled "Misc. from kitchen pantry". Just be sure to take care of fragile items. We also recommend you check your homeowner's insurance to see how you are covered during the move. You may need to purchase additional insurance from the mover. Also, find out what paperwork (receipts, appraisals, and photos) you might need to file a claim in case of loss.

Important Documents
Your list of "important" papers might include: medical records, birth certificates, school records, mover estimates, new job contacts, utility company numbers, recent bank records, current bills, phone lists, closing papers, realtor info, maps, and more. Don't leave these with the mover. Be sure you have the contact information and the moving “manifest” from the mover with you at all times. An exchange of contact information from the foreman of the mover including cell phone number is a must. Keep them with you at all times!

Take a Phone Book with You
You never know who you might need to call from your old home, so be sure to take along an old phone directory just in case you need to call someone from your former residence.

Still Have Questions About Relocating to Ann Arbor?
We understand this time of your life can be both exhilarating and a bit stressful. With some pre-planning, your move to Ann Arbor will less stressful and easier too. If you require any assistance or resources to make your move easier, let us know. If you still need to request your FREE Ann Arbor Relocation Package, it’s simple and quick – request your Ann Arbor relocation package now! and take advantage of our other resources below.